Wednesday, July 28, 2010

100 photos

I just realize I never posted some of the pictures I took at home instead of going on the field trip. whoopsie.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

homework #6 Seven Deadly sins

My mom was reading one to two books a day for a while. She was completely mauling them. And all I could think of was how it was a certain type of gluttony. So I decided to make my whole project around books. For anger my mom insisted on holding running with scissors but I thought no on was going to be able to tell, but then someone noticed it. So I guess she was right.

homework #5 one color

Orange is a fun color to photograph. It seems like there aren't a lot of orange things to photograph at first, then the more I got into the project the more I started to notice the color everywhere.

homework #4 Time of day/Type of light




so I ended up taking pictures of ants to convey the urban residentail and natural aspects of the time of day type of light assignment. Ants are really hard to photograph.

Homework #3 Self-portrait

I don't know if this was just me being lazy or artisic. Sometimes I can't tell if that is the samething or different. Creativeness or laziness. but anywho I ended up taking pictures of "me" when i have too much energy in the middle of the night. Strange art is created and apparently bad photos. Yay!! I don't know if the full effect can be harnessed by my photos or what was on my table. It was just covered in drawings of these little boys smiling for picture day at school. I took these photos halfway through my drawing them. So there were alot more when I was finished.

Homework #2 Scan-o-gram

vegetables make me happy. They are so elegant yet so useful. So anywho. I just had all the stuff hanging around my house for this particular scan, so I couldn't not scan radishes. Also radishes are kinda important to me... My dad and I can talk about them for hours.

homework #1 personal symbol interpretations

Image Maker as Flaneaur contact sheet