Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Poetry Recycled

What is it about sitting in the front that people shy away from? Is it rude to sit in the front. Does the middle to back, have a better experience? Is the front for people who intimately know the performers? Personally, I like not being right there, it is too personal.

I must admit, If it were not for the last song I wouldn't have like the performance. There was not enough chaos, I suppose. The last piece was crazier than the others. Very good.

I always find I think of ridiculous things all the way through "serious" performances and find my self giggling the whole time. I don't mean to be rude, it is just that there is so much that could possibly be funny about the situation, like if someone in the audience was so overwhelmed by being emotional involved in the show that they two burst out in song. And the kind of over the top, I don't know what the words or the melody is but I want to be part of this, type of singing one does in the car while no one is around.

Are vocalists ever considered an accompaniment to piano? They are right? I just feel like piano is always seen as an accompanyment to other things. But maybe that is just what I focus on.

Singing is interesting, because the words don't need to have personal meaning to hold emotion. Words hold little meaning to me in a piece. Normally I don't start listening to the words of a song till the second or third time I hear it. But then again when I am talking to a person, I hear their emotions not what they are saying most of the time. It makes for an interesting conversation sometimes. Later on, after the conversation is over, I have no idea what they said, but I remember their tone.

I liked her bracelet, It was a beautiful glitzy rainbow to watch flicker...

This class makes me hyper and chatty.

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