<--- kind of stupid looking, but oh so much love
(yay homemade!!)
This article made me feel stupid. It was only a page long, but I didn't get it. Or at least I am struggling to understand what she is talking about. Is she talking about photography? I think she might be. So that is what I am going to respond to. Well I think I need to read it a third time before I can finish this blog post..... Okay, nope still don't get it. Or maybe it is about paintings that reproduce what is seen in a photograph. Because I can agree that is not that great. Oh my, I can't even quote this article, I keep forgetting what I just read..... Oh yes, ummm, yeah.
Let me just talk about photo realistic paintings then. This Sunday I attended the salon series and the visiting artist was talking about where art was heading in New York. Let me just say very very disappointing. The artwork was photo realistic pieces, they seemed like they were pushing the boundaries to just push boundaries. But since there really are no boundaries at this time, they are really just trying to find the next "new thing" but really missing the mark. They seem to lack heart and soul. I personally find that art that speaks to people comes from the artist having something to say, not just saying anything. Kind of like talking to get a point across not just to fill the empty space. It's like attending a birthday party. I will not eat sheet cake. If someone lovingly made the person a birthday cake from scratch, not just bought a store bought cake. I will have some. But what is the point of sheet cake? It isn't good, it is just an empty gesture. I'm sorry if this is offensive, but I spend way too much effort on not settling.
Well anywho the artwork was just randomlly placed people, on a boring background but one of the artist blurred the edges of his work to make it look digitalized... it was lame. not even in a controversial, now I am insulted way, nope, just lame.
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